Gyda 5 bws yn cyrraedd yn ol i’r ysgol o Sw Caer erbyn rhwng 3:00pm a 3:15pm prynhawn ‘ma, a wnewch chi sicrhau nad ydech chi’n parcio ym maes parcio’r ysgol na chwaith yn y fynedfa a’r allanfa er mwyn gadael digon o le i’r bysus droi i mewn a gadael y maes parcio.
With 5 buses returning the children to the school by between 3:00pm and 3:15pm this afternoon, could you please ensure that you don’t park in the school car park and not in by the entrance and exit to ensure there is enough space for the buses to come in to and leave the car park.
Diolch yn fawr