Gan fod rhan o’r buarth y tu allan i’r dosbarthiadau Derbyn o dan ddwr, bydd yna chydig o newidiadau i’r trefniadau casglu ar ddiwedd y dydd heddiw:
Dosbarthiadau Bers ac Erddig: i’w casglu o’r brif fynedfa
Bl 1 – 6 a Meithrin Mwy – i’w casglu o’r mannau arferol ond rhieni / gwarchodwyr i fynd drwy’r giat ar gornel Bl 5 a 6 i gyrraedd at y ddau fuarth
As parts of the yard outside the Reception classes are under water, there will be the below changes to collecting arrangements at the end of the day today:
Bers and Erddig classes: to be collected from the main entrance
Years 1 -6 and Meithrin Mwy – to be collected from the usual places outside the classes but all parents / carers to use the gate by the corner of Years 5 and 6 to access both yards.