Ar hyn o bryd, mae dyledion clwb brecwast yr ysgol yn £771. A wnewch chi os gwelwch yn dda wirio cyfrifon ParentPay eich plentyn ac os oes yna ddyled clwb brecwast, ei thalu. Gyda arian more brin mewn ysgolion Chynghorau ar hyn o bryd ac er mwyn gallu sicrhau parhad gwasanaethau fel y clwb brecwast, mae’n hollbwysig fod taliadau yn cael eu gwneud ar amser. Bydd CBSW yn gorfod cymryd camau i fynd ar ol dyledion os nad ydynt yn cael eu talu.
Cofiwch fod angen talu drwy ParentPay os yw’ch plentyn yn cyrraedd y clwb brecwast cyn 8:25am – mae manylion o’r costau yn dilyn gwyliau’r Pasg isod.
Os oes unrhyw un angen copi o fanylion dyled clwb brecwast eich plentyn, cysylltwch a’r ysgol.
Diolch am eich cydweithrediad.
The school’s breakfast club debts currently stands at £771. Could you please check your child’s breakfast club account on ParentPay and pay any outstanding debt. With the current difficult financial situations in both schools and Councils and to be able to ensure the continuation of services such as the breakfast club, it’s imperative that payments are made on time. WCBC will have to take steps to recover debts if they are unpaid.
Please remember that payment must be made through ParentPay if your child arrives at the breakfast club before 8:25am – there are details of the costs after Easter below.
Please contact the school if you need a breakdown of your child’s breakfast club debt.
Thank you for your cooperation.