Roedd Llysgenhadon Iaith Blynyddoedd 5 a 6 yr ysgol yn awyddus i gefnogi’r Gymraeg yn ein cymuned. Trwy gyd-weithio gyda’r Cyngor Ysgol, yr Eco-Bwyllgor a Menter6, cwmni mentergarwch Blynyddoedd 5 a 6, penderfynodd y disgyblion i roi anrhegion i Ward Plant Ysbyty Maelor.
Our Years 5 and 6 Welsh Language Ambassadors were eager to support the Welsh language in our community. Working with the School Council, the Eco-Committee and Menter6, the enterprise company of Years 5 and 6, the pupils decided to buy gifts for the Children’s Ward at the Maelor Hospital.
Mae Menter6 wedi gwneud ychydig o elw yn ystod y tymor yn gwerthu afalau taffi a siocled a chynnal bore coffi. Cytunodd y disgyblion i roi £30 o’u helw tuag at brynu anrhegion i’r ward.
Menter6 has made a little profit this term selling toffee and chocolate apples and holding a coffee morning. The pupils agreed to give £30 of their profit to buy gifts for the ward.
Siarter Iaith / Welsh Language Charter
Llyfr stori ddwyieithog ‘Nadolig Prysur’ a’r gêm fwrdd Scrabble yn Gymraeg oedd dewis y Llysgenhadon Iaith. Y bwriad yw gadael y llyfr a’r gêm yn ystafell chwarae’r ward fel bod plant sy’n siarad Cymraeg yn gallu eu mwynhau.
The Welsh Language Ambassadors chose the bilingual story book ‘Nadolig Prysur’ and the Welsh language version of the Scrabble board game. The idea is to leave both in the playroom so that Welsh speaking children can enjoy them.
Cyngor Ysgol / School Council
Roedd y Cyngor Ysgol eisiau prynu siocled i staff yr ward i ddweud diolch a fferins i’r plant.
The School Council wanted to buy chocolates for the staff on the ward to say thank you and sweets for the children.
Eco-Bwyllgor / Eco-Committee
Mae’r Eco-Bwyllgor wedi bod yn casglu cardiau Lego, Match Attax a Slam Attax nad oedd disgyblion yr ysgol eisiau. Aeth aelod o’r Eco-Bwyllgor â dau lond bocs o gardiau i blant yr ward eu mwynhau.
The Eco-Committee has been collecting Lego, Match Attax and Slam Attax cards that the pupils did not want. A member of the Eco-Committee took two full boxes of cards for the children of the ward to enjoy.