Trefniadau casglu / Collection arrangements

Gan fod dau fuarth yr ysgol yn dal yn rhewllyd, dyma drefniadau casglu plant ar ddiwedd y dydd:

As both the yards are still very icy, here are the arrangements for collecting children at the end of the day:

Meithrin Mwy – o’r caban fel arfer / from the cabin as usual

Derbyn i Bl 3 / Reception to Year 3 – o’r brif fynedfa / from the main entrance

Bl 4 i 6 / Years 4 to 6 – o’r drysau ochr yn ymyl Bl 5 a 6 / from the side doors by Years 5 and 6

Diolch o flaenllaw am eich amynedd a’ch cydweithrediad / Thank you beforehand for your patience and cooperation