Mae tocynnau ar gyfer gem rygbi Cymru v Lloegr ym mis Awst wedi eu gwerthu i gyd ond, cofiwch fod gan yr ysgol, drwy garedigrwydd teulu Deian (Bl 6) ddau docyn i’w roi i’r person sy’n cynnig yr uchaf amdanynt! Mae linc i fanylion am y gem isod a gallwch wneud cynnig drwy’r llythyr ddaeth adref wythnos diwethaf! Yfory yw’r diwrnod cau!!
Tickets for the Wales v England rugby match in August have sold out, but the school have two tickets, through the kindness of Deian (Bl 6) and his family, to give away to the highest bidder! There’s a link to details about the game below and details of how to make an offer came home on a letter last week. Tomorrow is the closing date!