Talu am Clwb brecwast / Breakfast club payments

A wnewch chi sicrhau eich bod yn talu, drwy ParentPay, os yw’ch plentyn yn cyrraedd y clwb brecwast cyn 8:25am os gwelwch yn dda.

Hefyd, os oes gennych ddyled clwb brecwast, a wnewch chi ei thalu cyn gynted a phosib. Mae cyfanswm dyledion yr ysgol ar gyfer y clwb brecwast dros £500 ar hyn o bryd a bydd CBSW yn gorfod cymryd camau i fynd ar ol dyledion os nad ydent yn cael eu talu.

Mae manylion am gostau y clwb brecwast (cyn 8:25am) ddaeth i rym fis Medi yn y neges isod a rannwyd ar yr app fis Gorffennaf.


Could you please ensure that you pay, through ParentPay, if your child arrives at the breakfast club before 8:25am.

Also, if you have a debt on your breakfast club account please pay this as soon as possible. The school’s total debt for the breakfast club is over £500 and WCBC will have to take steps to recover debts if they aren’t paid. 

Details on the new costs since September for using the breakfast club (before 8:25am) are below in a message posted on the app in July.
