Sw Caer / Chester Zoo – 19/01/2024

Gwybodaeth ar gyfer ymweliad i Sw Caer yfory

Mae’r plant i wisgo gwisg ysgol gyda chôt gynnes, menig a het os gwelwch yn dda.  Bydd angen bag y gallant gario ar eu cefnau ar gyfer pecyn bwyd.  Cofiwch yrru pecyn bwyd o adref os nad ydych wedi archebu un o’r ysgol mewn amser (12.1.24 oedd y dyddiad cau ar gyfer archebu).    Ni fydd angen i’r plant ddod ag arian gyda nhw.   Diolch.

Information regarding visit to Chester Zoo tomorrow

The children are to wear their school uniform with a warm coat, gloves and hat please.  They will need a bag they can carry on their backs for their packed lunch.  Please remember that they will need a packed lunch from home if you haven’t ordered one from the school on time (closing date for ordering was 12.1.24).  The children do not need to bring any money with them.  Thank you.