Cafwyd cryn dipyn o hwyl yng nghwmni Tudur Phillips a’i sioe Mewn Cymeriad, ‘Roald Dahl’. Yn y sioe, roedd disgyblion Blynyddoedd 3 a 4 wedi cyfarfod Alf – cymeriad lliwgar, diddorol, sy’n CARU darllen. Yn ei gôt amryliw unigryw, sy’n llond pocedi ar gyfer ei lyfrau, roedd Alf yn rhannu gyda’r plant ei gariad tuag at ddarllen, a datgelodd anturiaethau sy’n digwydd iddo pan mae’n dechrau darllen. Ei hoff awdur yn y byd yw Roald Dahl.
A lot of fun was had with Tudur Phillips and his In Character show, ‘Roald Dahl’. In the show, Years 3 and 4 pupils were be introduced to Alf – a colourful, intriguing character who LOVES to read. In his unique multicolour coat, covered with pockets for his books, he shared his love of reading, and revealed the adventures that happen to him when he starts to read. His absolute favourite author is Roald Dahl.