Plant Mewn Angen / Children In Need – 15:11:24

Plant Mewn Angen

Ar ddydd Gwener, 15/11/24, mae’n ddiwrnod Plant Mewn Angen. Rydym ni, fel Cyngor Ysgol, wedi penderfynu hoffem ni ceisio codi arian ar gyfer yr elusen eleni.

Ar sail hyn, bydd dydd Gwener, 15/11/24, yn ddiwrnod gwisgo smotiau, pyjamas neu Pudsey. Gwerthfawrogem gyfraniad o’ch dewis wedi talu trwy’r ddolen fydd ar yr app, os gwelwch yn dda.

Bydd cystadleuaeth cynllunio crys-T hefyd (templed i ddilyn) gyda gwobrau i’r enillwyr. Cost cystadlu yw £1, hefyd i’w dalu drwy’r ddolen.

Diolch am eich cefnogaeth arferol.

Cyngor Ysgol Plas Coch


Children in Need

Friday, 15/11/24, is Children in Need day. We, the School Council, have decided we would like to raise money for the charity this year.

With this in mind, Friday, 15/11/24, will be a wear spots, pyjamas or Pudsey day. We would appreciate if you could make a donation, paid through the link that will be on the app, please.

We will also be holding a t-shirt designing competition (template to follow) with prizes for the winners. The cost to compete is £1, again to be paid via the link.

Thank you for your continued support.

Ysgol Plas Coch School Council

Dolen cyfraniadau / Donations link