Plant i Weithwyr Allweddol / Children of Key Workers

PWYSIG – Rydym  wedi derbyn gwybodaeth bellach ynglyn a darparu gofal ar gyfer plant i weithwyr allweddol o dydd Llun, Mawrth 23ain ymlaen. Bydd yr ysgol agor i blant unrhyw weithwyr allweddol o’r rhestr isod (nid yw hon yn restr derfynol a gallai newid):

Gweithwyr GIC (meddygon, nyrsys, bydwragedd, parafeddygon ayyb)

Gweithwyr iechyd eraill (e.e. mewn lleoliad meddygol, maes iechyd)

Gweithwyr Gwasanaethau Brys (Heddlu, Brigad Dan)

Staff Ysgolion (Athrawon, cymhorthyddion, staff gweinyddol, glanhawyr, gofalwyr)

Gweithwyr Gofal Plant / Cylchoedd Meithrin

Gweithwyr Cymdeithasol / Gwasanaethau Cartref

Os ydych yn un o’r categoriau uchod, ac y byddwch angen i’ch plant fynychu’r ysgol wythnos nesaf, a wnewch chi ebostio’r ysgol cyn gynted a phosib, ar [email protected] yn nodi’r wybodaeth ganlynol:

  1. Enw a dosbarth eich plentyn
  2. Eich swydd

Yn ddelfrydol, hoffem i chi ebostio – os nad yw hi’n bosib i chi ebostio, fe allwch ffonio a gadael neges.

Bydd y clwb brecwast a’r clwb ar ol ysgol ar agor i’r plant a darperir cinio (onibai eu bod yn dod a phecyn bwyd).

Os bydd unrhyw newid i’r rhestr uchod, byddwn yn gadael i chi wybod.


IMPORTANT – We have this afternoon received further information from the LEA regarding opening the school for the children of key workers from Monday, March 23rd. The school will only be open for children of key workers from the list below (the list has not been finalised and could change):

NHS Workers (Doctors, nurses, midwives, paramedics etc.)

Other health workers 

Emergency Services Workers (Police, Fire Brigade etc.)

School staff  (Teachers, Teaching Assistants, Admin staff, Cleaners, Caretakers)

Care Setting Professionals (including Childcare settings)

Social Care Professionals

If you fall into any of the above categories, and would like for your child to attend school from next Monday onwards, please email the school on [email protected] as soon as possible noting the following information:

  1. Child’s name and class
  2. Your occupation

As mentioned above, ideally we’d like you to email – if this is not possible, please phone the school to leave a message. 

The Breakfast Club and After School Club will be open for the children that attend and school lunch will be provided (unless they bring in a packed lunch)

If there are any changes to the above list, we’ll let you know.