Rydym yn gobeithio y bydd pob rhan o ParentPay (clwb brecwast, cinio a chlwb ar ol ysgol) wedi eu gosod ac yn gweithio cyn gynted a phosib dros y dyddiau nesaf. Fe ddylai pawb fod wedi derbyn llythyr i actifadu cyfrifon eich plentyn / plant brynhawn Mercher diwethaf (Mawrth 17eg); os nad ydech wedi ei dderbyn a wnewch chi yrru neges o’r cyfeiriad ebost yr hoffech ei ddefnyddio i gofrestru’r cyfrif i [email protected]. Os ydech wedi derbyn yr ebost a wnewch chi os gwelwch yn dda actifadu’r cyfrif. Fe fyddwn yn hyblyg wythnos yma o ran bwcio a thalu nes fod popeth yn gweithio’n iawn.
We are hoping that all elements (breakfast club, dinners and after school club) of the new ParentPay system will be fully up and running within the next couple of days. Everyone should have received an activation letter by email on Wednesday afternoon (March 17th); if you haven’t received it, please send a message from the email address you’d like to use to [email protected]. If you have received the email, could you please activate the account. We will be flexible this week regarding booking an paying until everything is working properly.