Nodyn i’ch hatgoffa na ddylai rhieni, gwarchodwyr ac aelodau o’r teulu ddefnyddio maes parcio’r ysgol i barcio na gyrru drwyddo wrth ollwng a chasglu plant. Yr unig eithriadau i hyn yw dalwyr bathodyn glas (a ddylai fod yn weladwy) ac unrhyw un sydd wedi cael caniatad penodol gan yr ysgol i barcio yno. Mae hyn er budd diogelwch disgyblion ac oedolion. Diolch yn fawr am eich cydweithediad.
A note to remind you that parents, carers and family members should not park in the school’s car park, nor drive through it when bringing and collecting children to and from school. The only exceptions to this are holders of a blue badge (that must be visible on the vehicle’s dashboard) and anyone that has had specific permission from the school to park there. This is for the safety of pupils and adults. Thank you for your cooperation.