Parcio / Parking

Mae’r sefyllfa barcio ym maes parcio’r staff yn creu pryder unwaith eto gyda rhieni, gwarchodwyr a neiniau a theidiau yn peryglu diogelwch disgyblion drwy barcio yno ac yna cerdded o’r ceir ar draws y maes parcio. Hoffwn eich atgoffa eto mai dim ond staff, dalwyr bathodyn glas ac unrhyw un sydd wedi cael caniatad penodol gan yr ysgol i barcio yno ddylai ddod a cherbydau i’r maes parcio. Hefyd, ni ddylid gyrru drwy’r maes parcio os ydech wedi gollwng plentyn y tu allan i”r ysgol. A wnewch chi basio’r neges yma ymlaen i unrhyw un sy’n casglu neu ollwng plentyn yn yr ysgol os gwelwch yn dda.

The parking situation in the staff car park is once again causing us concern, with  parents and carers, grandparents etc. endangering the safety of pupils by parking there and then walking across the car park. I’d like to remind you once again that it’s only staff, blue badge holders and anyone that has had specific permission from the school should bring vehicles into the car park. Also, please do not drive through the car park if you have dropped your child outside the school. Could you please share this message with anyone that brings or collect children at the school. 

Diolch am eich cydweithrediad / Thank you for your co-operation