Mae’n ofid gorfod son wrth rieni, gofalwyr a theuluoedd eto ynglyn a pharcio, gollwng a chasglu plant yn y bore a’r prynhawn. Er gwaethaf sawl neges mae yna rai oedolion sy’n dal i beryglu plant ac oedolion eraill yn y maes parcio a thu allan yr ysgol. Felly hoffwn eich hatgoffa o’r canlynol:
- staff, dalwyr bathodyn glas a rhai sydd wedi cael caniatad penodol sydd i fod parcio yn y maes parcio a hynny yn y ‘bays’ sydd wedi eu marcio yn unig. Os nad oes ‘bays’ gwag, yna peidier a pharcio yn unman arall yn y maes parcio
- wrth i’r uchod deithio i mewn ac allan o’r maes parcio, dylid defnyddio’r fynedfa i ddod mewn a’r allanfa i fynd allan (y bore ‘ma, gwelwyd Audi gwyn yn mynd allan drwy’r fynedfa i wyneb traffig gyda’r gyrrwr ar y ffon).
- Ni ddylid gollwng, parcio na throi rownd ym mynedfa nac allanfa’r maes parcio. Mae yna linellau melyn dwbl yna am reswm. Mae’r ‘run fath yn wir am ollwng a pharcio ar y llinellau zig zag ar y ffordd y tu allan.
- Ni ddylid defnyddio’r maes parcio fel rhywle i yrru drwyddo
Byddwn yn cadw llygaid agos ar bethau dros y dyddiau nesaf ac os yw problemau’n parhau, yn enwedig wrth fynedfa ac allanfa’r maes parcio a’r ardal gyfagos ar y ffordd y tu allan, byddwn yn gofyn i’r awdurdodau perthnasol ddod i fonitro’r sefyllfa.
It pains me having to remind parents, carers and family members once again about expectations around parking, dropping children off and collecting children in the mornings and afternoons. Despite a number of messages, there are adults that continue to endanger children and other adults in the school car park and on the road outside. I’d therefore like to remind you of the following:
- staff, blue badge holders and those that have had permission from the school are the only ones that should park in the car park, within the parking bays. If there aren’t any empty bays, please don’t park anywhere else in the car park.
- when the above use the car park, please drive in through the entrance gates, and drive out through the exit gates (this morning a white Audi was observed driving out through the entrance gates into oncoming traffic with the driver on the phone).
- Children should not be dropped off, cars should not turn around and not park in the car park entrance and exits, there are double yellow lines there for a reason. The same applies to the zig zag lines on the road outside.
- The car park is not to be used to drive through.
We will be keeping a close eye on things over the next few days and if problems persists, especially by the car park’s entrance and exits and around the immediate area on the road outside, we will have to contact the relevant authorities to come and monitor the situation.
Gyda diolch am eich cydweithrediad / With thanks for your cooperation,
Osian Jones