Mae’r disgyblion wedi pleidleisio dros eu hoff gân Gymraeg. Byddwn yn cyhoeddi’r enillydd yfory ar #DyddMiwsigCymru. Hoffem ddarganfod pa gân o’r 5 dewis yw hoff gân rhieni Ysgol Plas Coch. Mae’n hawdd pleidleisio trwy ddilyn y ddolen yma:
Os nad ydach chi’n siwr eto, beth am wrando ar y caneuon eto trwy ddilyn y ddolen yma:
Our pupils have voted for their favourite Welsh song. We will announce the winner tomorrow on #WelshLanguageMusicDay. We would also like to find out which song is the parents’s favourite song. It’s easy to vote by following this link:
If you’re not sure, you can listen to the songs by following this link: