Gwaith trwsio! / Repair work!

Fel rhan o’u gwaith dysgu drwy ymchwiliad, mae disgyblion Bl 3 a 4 am wella yr ardal tu allan a wedi sylweddoli fod yna ddau ddarn o’r llwyfan angen eu trwsio. Hoffent wybod os oes yna unrhw rieni / aelodau o’r teulu fyddai’n gallu ymgymryd a’r gwaith yma? Os oes yna, cysylltwch efo’r ysgol. Mae yna ddau ddarn angen eu hadnewyddu gan eu bod wedi pydru (gweler y lluniau isod).

As part of their inquiry based learning work, Year 3 and 4 pupils have decided that they want to improve the outside area and have noticed that parts of the stage needs repairing.  They’d like to know if there any parents / family members that would be able to do this work? If there are, please contact the school. There are two parts that need are rotted and need replacing (see photos).

Diolch yn fawr!