Doedd y disgyblion yn gallu coelio bod y band Gwilym yn chwarae gig yn neuadd yr ysgol y bore ‘ma. Derbyniodd y band wahoddiad y Llysgenhadon Iaith i chwarae’n yr ysgol fel rhan o’n dathliadau #DyddMiwsigCymru. Roedd digon o ganu a dawnsio, yn enwedig wrth i’r band chwarae’r gân Cwîn! Tybed os mai Cwîn yw hoff gân disgyblion yr ysgol? Diolch yn fawr iawn i’r band ac i Ows o’r Urdd am helpu ni drefnu’r gig.
The pupils couldn’t believe that the band Gwilym were playing a gig in the school hall this morning. The band accepted our Welsh Language Ambassadors’s invitation to play at the school as part of our #WelshLanguageMusicDay celebrations. There was plenty of singing and dancing, especially as the band played the song ‘Cwîn’! Is ‘Cwîn’ the pupils’s favourite song? A massive thank you to the band and to Ows from the Urdd for helping us organise the gig.