Mae Hafren Dyfrdwy yn gwneud gwaith angenrheidiol o adnewyddu pibellau dwr newydd ar Ffordd Stansti ar hyn o bryd. Tra bod y ffordd ar agor i breswylwyr a rhieni a gwarchodwyr sy’n gollwng a chasglu plant o’r ysgol, oherwydd y gwaith, mae llefydd parcio y tu allan i’r ysgol yn brinach nac arfer. Fe’ch anogwn felly i roi digon o amser i’ch siwrnai i’r ysgol, i gymryd gofal ychwanegol wrth barcio a gyrru ar Ffordd Stansti ac i wneud defnydd o feysydd parcio cyfagos Boots, Aldi, Sainsbury’s ac yna cerdded y pellter byr i’r ysgol. Mae’n debygol y bydd y gwaith yn para an ryw 4 wythnos arall. Cofiwch nad yw rhieni a gwarchodwyr i barcio na gollwng plant ym maes parcio’r ysgol am resymau dioglewch amlwg. Os gwelwch yn dda a wnewch chi basio’r neges yma ymlaen i bwy bynnag y mae’n berthnasol iddynt.
Hafren Dyfrdwy are currently carrying out essential maintenance work on Stansty Road replacing water pipes. While the road is open for residents and parents and carers dropping and collecting children at the school, because of the work, there is less parking space than usual on the road outside. Therefore, we encourage you to leave plenty of time for your journey to and from school, to take care on Stansty Road and to make use of car parks outside Boots, Aldi and Sainsburys’s then walking the short distance to the school. The work is expected to continue for another 4 weeks or so. Please remember that parents and carers are not to park or drop off children in the school car park to obvious safety reasons. Please pass on this message to anyone it is applicable to.