#DyddMiwsigCymru yfory/tomorrow

Cofiwch fod hi’n #DyddMiwsigCymru yfory, Chwefror 9fed.  Mae croeso i’r plant wisgo dillad eu hunain. Nid oes rhaid ond beth am wisgo fel seren bop Gymraeg neu unrhyw ganwr/cantores Cymraeg? Beth am grys eich hoff fand? Nid ydym yn gofyn am gyfraniad.

We’re celebrating #DyddMiwsigCymru tomorrow, February 9th.  The children can attend school in their own clothes. It is not compulsory but the children could dress up as a Welsh pop star or a Welsh singer. How about wearing their favourite band’s t-shirt? We are not asking for a contribution.