Hoffai’r staff ddiolch yn fawr iawn i bawb am yr anrhegion a’r cardiau a gawsant ddiwedd y tymor, caiff eich caredigrwydd ei werthfawrogi’n fawr.
Pob hwyl i Flwyddyn 6 yn yr ysgolion uwchradd a dymuniadau gorau i bawb dros yr haf.
Bydd yr ysgol yn ail agor i’r disgyblion wedi’r gwyliau ar ddydd Mercher, Medi 4ydd.
The staff would like to thank everyone for all the gifts and cards that were received at the end of the term, it’s very much appreciated.
All the best to Year 6 in the secondary schools, and best wishes to everybody over the Summer.
The school will reopen for the children after the holidays on Wednesday, September 4th.