Casglu’ch plentyn/plant o’r ysgol / Collecting your child/children from school

Mae trefniadau casglu’r plant o’r ysgol ychydig yn wahanol heddiw o’i gymharu â ddoe.  Rydym yn gofyn wrth bawb i gadw at brif lwybr yr ysgol ac i ddod i mewn drwy brif fynedfa’r ysgol.  Yna, mae angen dilyn y cyfarwyddiadau isod i gasglu’ch plentyn:

Dosbarth Derbyn – o’r drws sydd rhwng y cyntedd a’r coridor sy’n mynd i lawr am ddosbarthiadau’r Meithrin a Derbyn.

Bl. 1 a 2 – Trwy’r neuadd ac i ddosbarth eich plentyn.

Bl. 3 a 4 – Trwy’r neuadd ac i ddosbarth eich plentyn.

Bl.5 (Dosbarth Miss Scott a Mr Iestyn Jones) – Trwy’r neuadd ac i ddosbarth Miss Scott.

Bl.6 – Trwy’r neuadd ac i ddosbarth eich plentyn.

Ymddiheuriadau am y newid i’r drefn arferol ond mae diogelwch pawb yn flaenoriaeth i ni.


Arrangements to collect the children from school are slightly different today compared to yesterday.  We ask everyone to stick to the path leading to the main entrance and enter the school.  The instruction to collect your child depends on their class:

Reception Class – from the doorway between the entrance hall and corridor to the Nursery and Reception classes.

Yr. 1 & 2 – Through the hall and to your child’s class.

Yr 3 & 4 – Through the hall and to your child’s class.

Yr. 5 (Miss Scott and Mr Iestyn Jones) – Through the hall and to Miss Scott’s class

Yr.6 – Through the hall and to your child’s class.

Apologies for the change in routine but everyone’s safety is our priority.