Ar ôl derbyn llythyr gan Adran Gynllunio CBSW yn gofyn am sylwadau am y cais cynllunio i adeiladu McDonald’s ger yr ysgol, aeth aelodau’r Cyngor Ysgol ati i gasglu barn y disgyblion ym mhob dosbarth. Mewn cyfarfod i drafod y cais, pleidleisiodd yr aelodau o blaid neu’n erbyn adeiladu McDonald’s cyn mynd ati i ysgrifennu llythyr i’w anfon at yr Adran Gynllunio.
After receiving a letter from WCBC’s Planning Department seeking comments about the planning application to build a McDonald’s near the school, members of the School Council sought the views of pupils in each class. During a meeting to discuss the application, members voted for or against the construction of a McDonald’s before writing a letter to send to the Planning Department.
Mae un disgybl ym Mlwyddyn 2 yn teimlo’n gryf yn erbyn adeiladu’r bwyty oherwydd bod rhaid torri coed i wneud lle i’r adeilad. Aeth ati dros y penwythnos i lunio poster yn annog pobl i beidio torri coed. Yn ystod ein gwasanaeth y bore ‘ma, dangosodd ei phoster i weddill yr ysgol gan fynegi ei barn yn fendigedig. Mae’n wych bod ein disgyblion yn poeni am ein byd ac yn barod i fynegi barn. Ydy’r byd yn newid?
One pupil in Year 2 feels strongly against building the restaurant as trees will have to be felled to make room for the building. Over the weekend she created a poster encouraging people not to fell trees. During our assembly this morning she showed her poster to the rest of the school and expressed her views brilliantly. It’s great that our pupils care about our world and are ready to express opinions. Is the world changing?