Isod, mae yna lythyr sy’n cynnwys gwybodaeth i rieni a gwarchodwyr am ail agor yr ysgol. Mae gwybodaeth bellach i ddilyn ddechrau’r wythnos am drefniadau penodol gollwng, casglu a’r defnydd o’r maes parcio. Hefyd isod mae yna ddolen i safle CBSW sydd a gwybodaeth i rieni wrth i ysgolion ail agor.
Below is a letter that includes information for parents and carers on reopening the school. Further specific information regarding dropping off and collecting information and use of the school car park will follow early next week. Also below is a link to WCBC’s website with information for parents as schools reopen.
Ail agor yr ysgol mis Medi / September reopening of the school