Diolch / Thank you

Ar ran y staff i gyd, diolch yn fawr i bawb am yr anrhegion, cardiau a geiriau o ddiolch ar ddiwedd y tymor, rydym yn gwerthfawrogi’n fawr.
Pob hwyl i Flwyddyn 6 wrth symud ymlaen i’r ysgolion uwchradd ac i’r staff hynny sydd yn gadael yr ysgol ddiwedd y tymor.
Diolch yn fawr i bawb am eich cefnogaeth drwy’r flwyddyn, mwynhewch y gwyliau haf ac edrychwn ymlaen i weld pawb ym mis Medi.
On behalf of the staff, thank you very much to everyone for the gifts, cards and kind words at the end of the term, it’s very much appreciated.
All the best to Year 6 as they move on to the secondary schools and to the staff that are leaving Plas Coch at the end of the term.
Thank you to everyone for their support throughout the year and we look forward to seeing you all in September.