Dewis cinio ysgol / Choosing school lunch

Os gwelwch yn dda a wnewch chi sicrhau eich bod wedi dewis cinio ysgol i’ch plentyn (Derbyn i Bl 6) drwy ParentPay cyn 8:00am bob bore (mae posib dewis am bythefnos o flaenllaw). Mae llawer o amser addysgu gwerthfawr yn cael ei wastraffu yn y bore, yn enwedig yn nosbarthiadau isaf yr ysgol, yn gofyn i blant a mewnbynu eu dewis o ginio os nad yw rhieni wedi gwneud o flaenllaw. Diolch am eich cydweithrediad.

Could you please ensure that you have chosen your child’s school lunch (Reception to Year 6) through ParentPay by 8:00am every morning (it’s possible to chose for a fortnight beforehand). A lot of teaching time is lost every morning, especially with the younger children, asking what they want for lunch and inputting this into the system if parents haven’t already chosen. Thank you for you cooperation.