Llongyfarchiadau i dîm athletau’r ysgol am ddod yn 3ydd yng nghystadleuaeth Athletau’r Urdd heddiw yn Queensway. Roedd pob un yn wych! Rydym yn gwerthfawrogi ymdrech ac ymddygiad y plant a chefnogaeth eu teuluoedd . Pob hwyl i’r rhai oedd yn fuddugol heddiw a fydd yn mynd ymlaen i gynrychioli Fflint Maelor yn y gystadleuaeth Athletau Talaith diwedd y mis.
Congratulations to the athletics team who came 3rd today in the Urdd’s Athletics competition at Queensway. Each and every one of them were fantastic! We appreciate the children’s effort and behaviour and the support from their family. All the best to those who were successful today as they now go forward to represent Fflint Maelor at the Regional competition at the end of the month.