Holiadur dychwelyd i’r ysgol (terfynol) / Returning to school questionnaire (final)

Yn dilyn rhannu gwybodaeth efo chi ddoe am y trefniadau’n ymwneud efo ail agor yr ysgol, isod mae holiadur i chi nodi eich penderfyniad terfynol ynglyn a gyrru eich plentyn / plant yn ol i’r ysgol cyn yr haf:

  • mae angen ei gwblhau erbyn 5:00pm, dydd Mawrth, Mehefin 16eg
  • un holidaur i un plentyn, h.y. peidiwch a rhoi brodyr a chwiorydd ar yr un holiadur
  • mae angen cwblhau yr holiadur yma hyd yn oed os llenwoch yr un cyntaf – dim on un i gasglu syniad o rifau posib oedd hwnnw.


Following on from the letter that was shared with you yesterday detailing the arrangements about the reopening of the school, below is a questionnaire for you to make your final decision regarding sending your child / children back to school before the summer:

  • the questionnaire must be completed by 5:00pm on Tuesday, June 16th
  • one questionnaire per child, please don’t brothers and sisters on one questionnaire
  • please complete this questionnaire even if you completed the first one as that was just to give us a general idea of numbers
