Isod mae lincs i weithgareddau ar gyfer dosbarthiadau Meithrin a Derbyn a Bl 1/2. Cysylltwch efo athrawes eich plentyn neu efo’r ysgol os hoffech gopi papur o unrhyw weithgareddau.
Below are links to activities for Nursery and Reception, Years 1 and 2. Please let your child’s teacher or the school know if you’d like paper versions.
Meithrin a Derbyn
Amserlen Meithrin Wythnos 2 / week 2 Nursery timetable
Amserlen Derbyn Wythnos 2 / Week 2 Reception timetable
Blwyddyn 1 a 2
Llythyr Bl 1 a 2 / Year 1 and 2 letter
Gweithgareddau Bl 1 a 2 Activities