Derbyn, Blwyddyn 1 a 2
Ar brynhawn Mercher, Rhagfyr 20fed, bydd plant dosbarthiadau Derbyn, Blwyddyn 1 a 2 yn cael y cyfle i fynd i weld Sioe Nadolig Cyw (S4C) yn Neuadd William Aston. Cost tocyn i’r sioe fydd £5.00. Os hoffech i’ch plentyn gael mynd i weld y sioe a wnewch chi dalu drwy ParentPay erbyn Dydd Mercher, Rhagfyr 6fed os gwelwch yn dda. Bydd yr ysgol yn gyfrifol am gerdded y plant i Neuadd William Aston gan ddychwelyd erbyn diwedd y dydd.
Reception, Years 1 and 2
On Wednesday afternoon, December 20th, Reception, Year 1 and 2 classes will be given the opportunity of going to see the S4C Cyw Christmas show at the William Aston Hall. The cost of a ticket will be £5.00. If you’d like for your child to go to see the show, could you please pay through ParentPay by Wednesday, December 6th. The school will be responsible for walking the children to the William Aston Hall, returning by the end of the day.