Atgoffa am Sioe Rala Rwdins / Reminder about Rala Rwdins show

At sylw rhieni Derbyn, Bl 1 a Bl 2 / FAO Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 parents

Nodyn i’ch hatgoffa fod cyfle i ddisgyblion Derbyn, Bl 1 a Bl2 fynd i’r Stiwt yn Rhos i wylio Sioe Rala Rwdins dydd Iau yma, Mehefin 13eg. Os ydech am i’ch plentyn fynd a wnewch chi os gwelwch yn dda sicrhau eich bod wedi talu yr £8 drwy ParentPay erbyn dydd Mercher.

A note to remind you that Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 pupils have the opportunity to go to see the Rala Rwdins show at the Stiwt in Rhos this coming Thursday, June 13th. If you’d like for your child to go to see the show, please ensure that you have paid the £8 through ParentPay by Wednesday.