I sylw rhieni Meithrin a Derbyn / FAO Nursery and Reception parents
Nodyn i’ch hatgoffa am ymweliad y disgyblion Meithrin a Derbyn efo Sw Caer dydd Mercher yma, Gorffennaf 13eg. A wnewch chi sicrhau fod gan y disgyblion ddigon o ddwr, het neu gap, eli haul, bag cefn / bag addas ar gyfer cario cinio rownd efo nhw. Hefyd, os ydent yn aelod o Sw Caer, y cerdyn aelodaeth i’w ddangos ar y ffordd mewn (o dan ofal y staff).
A note to remind you about the visit for Nursery and Reception pupils to Chester Zoo this coming Wednesday, July 13th. Could you please ensure that the pupils have enough water with them, a cap or hat, suncream, and a rucksack / suitable bag to carry their lunch around with them. Also, if they are members of Chester Zoo, their membership card to show on their way in (under the care of the staff)