Efallai eich bod wedi clywed bod tîm pêl-droed Cymru’n dod draw i’r Cae Ras er mwyn cynnal sesiwn hyfforddi cyn hedfan draw i Los Angeles i wynebu Mecsico mewn gêm gyfeillgar.
Mae cyfle cyffrous wedi codi i blant Blynyddoedd 3, 4, 5 a 6 fynd draw i wylio’r tîm yn hyfforddi. Mae’n hanfodol ein bod â chaniatâd cysylltiadau â’r wasg ar gyfer pob plentyn. Os nad oes gennym ganiatâd wedi ei arwyddo ar gyfer plentyn ni fydd y plentyn yn cael mynd draw i’r Cae Ras. Os ydach chi eisoes wedi arwyddo’r llythyr caniatâd cysylltiadau â’r wasg nid oes angen gwneud eto. Os nad ydach chi wedi arwyddo llythyr caniatâd mae angen i chi arwyddo’r llythyr isod.
Llythyr caniatâd ymweliad â’r Cae Ras
You might be aware that the Welsh national football team are coming up to the Racecourse for a training session before flying to Los Angeles to face Mexico in an international friendly.
We’ve arranged for Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 children to go over to the Racecourse to watch the team train. It is essential that we have a signed press contacts consent form for every child. If we don’t have a signed form for a child, that child cannot go over to the Racecourse. If you have already signed the school’s press contacts consent form you don’t need to do so again. If you haven’t signed a consent form you need to sign the form below.