Dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf, mae disgyblion yr ysgol wedi cael cyfleuon i fynychu gwersi nofio, tenis a gymnasteg y tu allan i’r ysgol. Fel rhan o’r adolygiad manwl o wariant yr ysgol er mwyn adnabod arbedion a gynhaliwyd yn ystod tymor olaf llynedd, buom yn edrych ar gostau’r gwersi hyn oddi ar y safle, gan gynnwys y cost rydym yn talu i’r canolfanau a chostau trafnidiaeth. Yn anffodus, oherwydd y costau cynyddol uchel a gyda’n cyllideb yn lleihau, rydym wedi penderfynu na fyddwn yn gallu parhau efo’r sesiynau yng Nghanolfan Gymnasteg Queensway. Bydd y gwersi nofio yn parhau fel arfer a’r gwersi tenis yn ail gychwyn unwaith y bydd y gwaith adnewyddu ar y ganolfan tenis wedi ei gwblhau. Gofynwn yn garedig i chi wneud pob ymdrech i gyfranu tuag at gostau y nofio a’r tenis pan fydd dosbarth eich plentyn yn mynd i’r canolfanau. Gan ddiolch o flaenllaw am eich cefnogaeth.
Over the last few years, the school’s pupils have benefited from the opportunity to have PE lessons (swimming, tennis and gymnastics) in centres outside the school. As part of last term’s detailed review of the school’s spending and to enable us to find savings, the costs of these sessions, both what we pay to the centres and the bus costs, were considered. Unfortunately, due to increasing costs and our budget being cut, it has been decided to stop the lessons at Queensway Gymnastic Centre. The swimming lessons will continue as usual with tennis lessons restarting once the building work at the tennis centre has been completed. We would very much appreciate if you could make every effort to contribute towards the costs when your child’s class goes swimming or has tennis lessons. With thanks beforehand for your support.