Blwyddyn 3 a 4 / Years 3 and 4
Bydd tasgau dyddiol yn cael eu rhannu trwy Just2Easy. Dangoswyd i’r disgyblion sut i ddefnyddio Just2Easy ond mae cyfarwyddiadau isod yn ogystal.
Mae croeso i’r disgyblion ymuno â sesiwn fyw, gan ddefnyddio platfform Microsoft Teams, am 9:30am pob bore. I gael mynediad i’r sesiwn, mae angen i’r disgyblion glicio ar y deilsen gywir yn Just2Easy.
Daily tasks will be assigned through Just2Easy. The pupils have been shown how to access Just2Easy but instructions can also be found below.
The pupils are welcome to join a live session, using the Microsoft Teams platform, at 9:30am every morning. To access the session, the pupils need to click on the correct tile in Just2Easy.
Blwyddyn 5 a 6 / Years 5 and 6
Bydd tasgau dyddiol yn cael eu rhannu trwy Google Classroom, mae’r disgyblion wedi hen arfer defnyddio Google Classroom.
Bydd athrawon Blwyddyn 5 a 6 yn cynnal dwy sesiwn fyw yn ddyddiol gan ddefnyddio platfform Microsoft Teams; un am 9:30am a’r ail am 1:30pm. I gael mynediad i’r sesiynau, mae angen i’r disgyblion glicio ar y linc gywir yn Google Classroom.
Daily tasks will be assigned through Google Classroom, the pupils know how to use Google Classroom.
The pupils are welcome to join two live sessions daily, using the Microsoft Teams platform; the first at 9:30am and the second at 1:30pm. To access the sessions, the pupils need to click on the correct tile in Google Classroom.
Os oes problem, cysylltwch â’r ysgol neu athro/athrawes dosbarth eich plentyn.
If you have a problem, please contact the school or your child’s teacher.