Gwerthfawrogem pe bai modd i ddisgyblion y tri dosbarth Bl 3 a 4 (Gwenllian, Glyndwr a Llywelyn) ddod i’r ysgol yn gwisgo trainers a throwsus ymarfer corff / siorts du neu dywyll yfory (crys polo a siwmper ysgol fel arfer fel topiau) ar gyfer gweithgaredd ymarferol yn ymwneud efo wythnos y pedwar diben ( Ymddiheuriadau am y byr rybudd.
We’d appreciate if the three Year 3 and 4 class pupils (Gwenllian, Glyndwr and Llywelyn) are able to come to school tomorrow in trainers and black or dark P.E. trousers / shorts (usual school polo shirt and jumper as tops) to take part in a practical activity as part of the four purposes week (
Apologies for the late notice.