Llongyfarchiadau mawr i’r rhai fu yn cystadlu ddoe. Roeddech chi gyd yn glod i’ch hunain ac i’r ysgol. Ni fydd ymarfer côr cerdd dant na pharti unsain ar ôl ysgol yfory. Plis cofiwch y bydd y côr a’r parti unsain yn cystadlu ar y 25ain o Fawrth yn Neuadd y William Aston. Bydd amser yn cael ei gadarhau yn nes at yr amser ond cadwch y dyddiad yn rhydd. Diolch am eich cefnogaeth.
A huge congratulations to all the pupils who competed yesterday. You were a credit to yourselves and to us as a school. There will be no rehearsal after school tomorrow for the côr cerdd dant or the unison party. Please remember that both items will compete on the 25th of March at the William Aston Hall. We will share the timetable when we receive it, but in the meantime please keep the date free. Thank you for your continued support.