Bydd Miss Rebecca Scott yn cynnal sesiwn holi ac ateb yn ei dosbarth Google Classroom am 11:00 bore ‘fory. Cyfle i ddisgyblion Blynyddoedd 5 a 6 holi am y gwaith sy’n seiliedig ar y gerdd ‘The Highwayman’. Bydd y disgyblion yn gallu holi cwestiynau trwy adael ‘sylwad’ yn y blychau priodol a bydd Miss Scott yn eu hateb cyn gynted â phosib. Mae Miss Scott yn annog y plant i ddarllen dros y gerdd ‘The Highwayman’ a gwylio’r clipiau fideo sy’n ei Google Classroom cyn y sesiwn.
Miss Rebecca Scott will be holding a question and answer session in her Google Classroom tomorrow morning at 11:00am. It is an opportuinty for Years 5 & 6 pupils to ask questions about the work based on the poem, ‘The Highwayman’. The pupils will be able to post their questions in the comment boxes and Miss Scott will reply as soon as possible. Miss Scott encourages the children to read the poem ‘The Highwayman’ and watch the video clips in her Google Classroom before the session.