Plant Mewn Angen / Children In Need

Er mwyn codi arian ar gyfer Plant Mewn Angen, mae’r Cyngor Ysgol wedi penderfynu yr hoffent i’r disgyblion ddod i’r ysgol yn eu pyjamas ddydd Gwener yma, 17eg o Dachwedd.  Gan ei bod hi hefyd yn wythnos gwrth fwlio, hoffent hefyd i’r disgyblion wisgo sanau od ar y diwrnod.  Deallwn nad yw pawb yn medru cyfrannu arian tuag at elusen Plant Mewn Angen, ond os hoffech wneud mae cyfle i chi wneud hyn drwy ParentPay (gweler y linc isod).  Diolch am eich cefnogaeth.

In order to raise money for Children In Need, the School Council have decided that they would like the pupils to come to school in their pyjamas this Friday, 17th November.  As it is also anti bullying week, they would also like pupils to wear odd socks on the day.  We understand that not everyone is able to make a contribution towards the Children in Need charity, but if you would like to make a donation, you can do so through ParentPay (see the link below).  Thank you for your support.

BBC Children in Need 2023 (