PWYSIG – Noson rieni dosbarth Llywelyn
Oherwydd salwch, yn anffodus mae’n rhaid i ni ganslo noson rieni dosbarth Llywelyn heno. Byddwn yn ail drefnu cyn gynted a phosib. Ar hyn o bryd, mae noson rieni Llywelyn ar yr 16eg yn dal ymlaen; os bydd unrhyw newid, byddwn yn gadael i chi wybod. Ymddiheuriadau am unrhyw anghyfleustra mae hyn yn ei achosi.
IMPORTANT – Llywelyn class parent evening
Due to illness, unfortunately we have to cancel Llywelyn class’ parents evening that was supposed to be held tonight. We will rearrange as soon as possible. At the moment, Llywelyn class’ parents evening on the 16th is still on; if there are any changes, we’ll let you know. Apologies for any inconvenience this causes.