Gwybodaeth / Information

Diolch yn fawr i chi am fod mor gefnogol yn ystod y cyfnod hwn.  Hoffem eich hatgoffa o ambell beth yn ogystal â rhannu mwy o wybodaeth gyda chi.

Thank you so much for your support during this time.  We would like to remind you of some things as well as share other information with you. 


Ymbellhau Cymdeithasol / Social Distancing 

Ar ddechrau ac ar ddiwedd dydd, gwelir fod y mwyafrif yn cadw at reolau ymbellhau cymdeithasol, gofynnir i chi sicrhau eich bod yn cadw 2 fedr oddi wrth eich gilydd a staff, bob amser.   Mae angen cadw i’r chwith o’r conau pan yn cerdded o amgylch yr ysgol a gofynnwn i chi beidio sefyll o gwmpas yr ysgol dim mwy nag sydd ei angen ar ddechrau a diwedd y dydd, os gwelwch yn dda.

We’ve noticed that the majority do adhere to the social distancing rules at the beginning and end of the day, we appeal to everyone to ensure that you stay 2 metres from each other and staff, at all times.  Please make sure that you stay to the left of the cones when walking around the school and do not stand around the school no longer than is necessary at the beginning and end of the day. 


Poteli Dŵr / Water Bottles 

Er mwyn osgoi defnyddio cwpanau plastig / papur, ac er lles hylendid, rydym yn annog pob plentyn i ddod â photel o ddŵr i’r ysgol yn ddyddiol.  Gwnewch yn siwr bod enw eich plentyn ar ei botel / photel os gwelwch yn dda.

To avoid the use of disposable plastic / paper cups, and in the interest of hygiene, we encourage all children to bring a bottle of water to school on a daily basis.  Please make sure your child’s name is on his / her bottle. 


Teganau / Toys 

Gofynnwn i’r plant beidio â dod â theganau, gan gynnwys peli-droed, i’r ysgol os gwelwch yn dda.

We kindly ask that children do not bring toys, including footballs, to school please. 


Cacennau Pen-Blwydd / Birthday Cakes 

Oherwydd y sefyllfa bresennol, ni chaniateir rhannu cacen pen-blwydd â dosbarth eich plentyn ar achlysur ei ben-blwydd / phen-blwydd.

Due to the current situation, we cannot share cake with your child’s class on the occasion of his / her birthday. 


Maes Parcio 

Dim ond staff a’r rheiny sydd wedi cael caniatad i barcio ym maes parcio’r staff sydd i barcio yno.

Only staff and those that have been given prior permission to park in the staff car park are to park there. 


Diolch yn fawr iawn am eich cydweithrediad.

Thank you very much for your cooperation.