Mae athrawon Blwyddyn 5 a Blwyddyn 6 wedi creu dosbarth yr un yn Google Classroom i rannu gwaith â’r disgyblion. Yn ogystal, mae Ysgol Morgan Llwyd â dosbarth i ddisgyblion Blwyddyn 6.
Bydd angen i’r disgyblion ddefnyddio HWB i gael mynediad i Google Classroom. Mae angen i bob defnyddiwr ar ddyfais fod wedi allgofnodi o unrhyw gyfrif Google cyn bod posib ymuno â dosbarth ar Google Classroom.
Cod pob dosbarth:
Mrs Angharad Parkes: e5wt3zr
Miss Rebecca Scott: ju4bl5j
Mr Geraint Jones: at5vhor
Mr Iestyn Jones: njjhdlj
Ysgol Morgan Llwyd (Bl. 6 yn unig): jusqzrm
Mae fideo isod sy’n dangos sut i gyrraedd a defnyddio Google Classroom.
The teachers of Years 5 and 6 have set up a Google Classroom each to share work with our pupils. Year 6 pupils can also join Ysgol Morgan Llwyd’s class on Google Classroom.
Pupils will need to use their HWB account to gain access to Google Classroom. Please note that all users on a device must be logged out of any Google related account for the pupils to be able to join a Google Classroom.
The Codes:
Mrs Angharad Parkes: e5wt3zr
Miss Rebecca Scott: ju4bl5j
Mr Geraint Jones: at5vhor
Mr Iestyn Jones: njjhdlj
Ysgol Morgan Llwyd (Bl. 6 only): jusqzrm
The videos below show how to reach and use Google Classroom.