Blwyddyn 5 a 6 / Years 5 and 6
Er mwyn dod ag Wythnos Darganfod Gyrfa gyda Gyrfa Cymru i ben, bydd athrawon Blwyddyn 5 a 6 yn cynnal tair sesiwn fyw yfory’n defnyddio platfform Microsoft Teams; un am 9:30am, yr ail am 11:00am a’r un olaf am 1:30pm. I gael mynediad i’r sesiynau, mae angen i’r disgyblion glicio ar y linc gywir yn Google Classroom.
To conclude Career Discovery Week with Careers Wales, Year 5 and 6 teachers will be running three live sessions tomorrow using the Microsoft Teams platform; the first at 9:30am, the second at 11:00am and the final session at 1:30pm. To access the sessions, the pupils need to click on the correct link in Google Classroom.
Os oes problem, cysylltwch ag athro/athrawes dosbarth eich plentyn.
If you have a problem, please contact your child’s teacher.