Dosbarth Derbyn Medi 2024 / Reception class September 2024

I sylw rhieni Meithrin / For attention of Nursery parents

Isod mae gwybodaeth am ddod a’ch plentyn i’r dosbarth Derbyn ym mis Medi. Os gwelwch yn dda a wnewch chi ei ddarllen yn ofalus gan ei fod yn cynnwys gwybodaeth bwysig am agweddau megis Y Clwb ar ôl Ysgol a phresenoldeb. Os hoffech gopi papur neu os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau, gadewch i ni wybod. Nid oedd posib atodi’r ddogfen i’r ebost yrrwyd ynghynt oherwydd problemau technoleg.
Attached is information regarding your child starting in the Reception class in September 2024. Could you pleased read it carefully as it contains important information on aspects such as the After School Club and attendance. If you would like a paper copy or have any questions, please let us know. It wasn’t possible to attach the information to the email sent earlier due to a technology issue.