Os yw eich plentyn yn dechrau ym Mlwyddyn 5 neu Flwyddyn 6, mae ei athro/athrawes dosbarth wedi anfon e-bost i gyfrif HWB eich plentyn sy’n egluro sut i ymuno â dosbarth rhithiol ar Google Classroom. Gan ddechrau yfory, a than i’ch plentyn ddechrau’n yr ysgol, bydd tasg(au) ddyddiol yn cael ei gosod ar Google Classroom i’ch plentyn gwblhau gartref. Nid oes rhaid i’ch plentyn gwblhau’r dasg/tasgau ond hoffem i’ch plentyn ymuno â’r dosbarth os gwelwch yn dda.
Os am gymorth, cysylltwch drwy e-bost ag athro/athrawes dosbarth eich plentyn:
Dosbarth Clychau Gresffordd: [email protected] / [email protected]
Dosbarth Coed Ywen: [email protected]
Dosbarth San Silyn: [email protected]
Diolch yn fawr,
Staff Blynyddoedd 5 a 6.
If your child is starting in Year 5 or Year 6, his/her class teacher has e-mailed your child’s HWB account explaining how to join a virtual class on Google Classroom. Starting tomorrow, and until your child starts school, a daily task(s) will be assigned on Google Classroom for your child to complete at home. Your child does not have to complete the task(s) but we would like your child to join the class please.
For assistance, please contact your child’s class teacher by e-mail:
Dosbarth Clychau Gresffordd: [email protected] / [email protected]
Dosbarth Coed Ywen: [email protected]
Dosbarth San Silyn: [email protected]
Diolch yn fawr,
Years 5 and 6 staff.