At sylw rhieni Blynyddoedd 3 a 4 / FAO Year 3 and 4 parents
Gobeithio eich bod wedi cael Pasg hapus gan fwynhau’r tywydd braf. Rydym am gychwyn uned newydd o waith ar ddydd Mercher (22/4). Gofynnwn i bawb sydd â chyfrifiadur i weithio yn electronig.
Os dymunwch gael copi papur o’r gwaith, a wnewch chi e-bostio’r athrawon (mae’r cyfieriadau ar y llythyr isod) / ysgol erbyn nos Fawrth (21/4) fan hwyraf fel ein bod yn medru eu paratoi dydd Mercher, yn barod i chi eu casglu ar ddydd Iau.
We hope that you have had a lovely Easter and enjoyed the glorious weather. We are about to start a new unit of work on Wednesday (22/4). We kindly ask that everyone that has a computer to work electronically.
If you wish to receive a paper copy of the work, please inform the teachers (email addresses are on the letter below) / school by Tuesday night (21/4) at the latest via email so that packs can be prepared on Wednesday, ready for collection on Thursday.