Billionaire Boy (Blwyddyn 5 / Year 5)

Neges i’ch atgoffa bod disgyblion Blwyddyn 5 yn ymweld â Lerpwl yfory i wylio ‘Billionaire Boy’ yn Theatr Empire.  Mae’r plant i wisgo’r wisg ysgol i fynd ar yr ymweliad.  Bydd angen pecyn bwyd ar eich plentyn a digon o ddiod.  Mae’r bws am adael Lerpwl am 3:45 pm, felly, os yw’r traffig yn glir, dylai’r bws ddychwelyd i’r ysgol erbyn 5:00 pm.

A reminder that Year 5 are visiting Liverpool tomorrow to watch a performance of ‘Billionaire Boy’ at The Empire Theatre.  The children are to wear the school uniform to go on the visit.  Your child will need a packed lunch and plenty to drink.  The bus will leave Liverpool at 3:45 pm, therefore, if the traffic is clear, the children should return to school by 5:00 pm.