At sylw y disgyblion sy’n canu prynhawn yfory/ For the attention of the pupils singing tomorrow afternoon

Dim ond neges sydyn i ofyn i chi gofio ddod i’r ysgol mewn gwisg ysgol lawn yfory, a dod a’ch siwmperi Nadolig gyda chi mewn bag. Mae ychydig o newid wedi bod ar y trefniadau, a byddwn yn canu yn Eglwys San Silyn yn y prynhawn. 
Just a quick reminder that you will need to be in full school uniform tomorrow and bring your Christmas jumper with you in a bag for the afternoon. There has been a slight change to the arrangements and we will be singing in San Silyn in the afternoon.
Diolch am eich cefnogaeth