Hwdi Blwyddyn 6 / Year 6 Leavers Hoodie

Mae’r archeb wedi cyrraedd yr ysgol.  Y bwriad yw rhannu’r hwdis gyda’r plant fore Gwener iddynt wisgo’n ystod y dydd.  Os ydych wedi archebu hwdi ar gyfer plentyn ond nid yw eich plentyn yn dod i’r ysgol ddydd Gwener, mae croeso i chi gasglu’r hwdi o’r ysgol trwy ganu’r gloch yn y cyntedd.


The order has arrived at school. The intention is to share the hoodies with the children on Friday morning for them to wear during the day. If you have ordered a hoodie for your child but your child is not coming to school on Friday, you are welcome to collect the hoodie from school by ringing the bell in the foyer.