Yn dilyn neges wythnos diwethaf i Flwyddyn 6 am y bwriad o ddefnyddio Google Classrooms i rannu gwybodaeth trosglwyddo, mae Ysgol Morgan Llwyd wedi creu ‘dosbarth’ o fewn Google Classrooms i alluogi hyn i ddigwydd. Gall disgyblion Blwyddyn 6 gael mynediad i’r ‘dosbarth’ yma gan fewnbynnu’r cod isod yn Google Classrooms, drwy eu cyfrifon HWB. Mae angen i unrhyw ddefnyddiwr arall ar y ddyfais fod wedi allgofnodi o unrhyw gyfrif Google er mwyn i’r disgyblion allu mewngofnodi i’w rhai nhw. Cysylltwch efo’r ysgol os am unrhyw wybodaeth bellach.
Following last week’s message regarding Ysgol Morgan Llwyd setting up a ‘classroom’ within Google Classrooms to share relevant information about Year 6 transferring there in September, the classroom has now been set up. Year 6 pupils can join it by typing in the code below in Google Classrooms through their HWB accounts. Please note that any other users on the device must be logged out of any Google related accounts for the pupils to be able to access theirs. Please contact the school if you need any further information.
Y cod / The code: jusqzrm